Create a Short Link from WP Safelink

We have an option to creating a link with the WP Safelink there have 2 options to create link. The Short Link and the Safelink. You can create the shortlink manually by open the menu WP Safelink and navigate to Generate Link. The Example : Long Link : Short […]

Integrate Auto Generate Link into WordPress Site

WP Safelink have feature that can auto generate the link into another wordpress site like for your download blog so you can get more traffic and more earnings from that site. So for the integrate auto generate link you need to prepare some functions on the WP Safelink Server Version […]

Integrate WP Safelink to Custom Theme

For using the WP Safelink you need to integrate our wp safelink functions into your theme because the theme is unique and we cant integrate it one by one. So you only need the simple steps to integrate the WP Safelink into your Custom Theme. 1. How to find the […]

Customize The Posts Template

After all installation process, you might be to customize the default template into what you want. We are using the spintax to do some dynamic process, if you dont understand you can search the tutorial spintax. The first steps you can open Play Posters > Add New template. 1. {Download […]

How to Activate Playposter License

For activating playposters license you can follow this steps : 1. Open the playposters license area at and click login license. You will find the license key. 2. Navigate to your wp-admin site then open Play Posters > Play Posters ( Then input your license code and click […]

Getting Started with Play Posters

System Requirements: Please Enable ioncube loader (For checking enable or disable ioncube loader, recommended install plugin tester ioncube: License Activated WordPress Version 5.0+ or New Web Server Recommended: LiteSpeed, Serverpilot, LAMP PHP Version v7.2+ or new cURL Version 7.62.0 OpenSSL/1.0.2k PHP allow_url_fopen active PHP Memory Limit 512M+ PHP Max Execution Time 300 PHP Max Upload […]

How to Integrate WP Safelink with Adlinkfly

You can try our demo for Adlinkfly Integration ( ) Before you started to integrate the WP Safelink with Adlinkfly you need at least 3 websites : 1. Adlinkfly domain ( eg: ) 2. Shortlink domain ( eg: ) 3. Real shortlink domain ( eg: ) […]

STEP #3 Menjalanjan Play Posters

Tutorial pertama yaitu bagaimana cara import ID Apps kedalam Campaign yang pada step sebelumnya masih kosong, mari kita coba isi. Untuk pencarian ID Apps bisa berdasarkan KATEGORI dan SEARCHING di form yang tersedia. Kali ini saya akan ceklis semua aplikasi hasil pencarian saya, yaitu aplikasi “bubble” jika sudah tampil, kemudian […]

STEP #2 Add New Campaign

Pada step ini anda harus membuat Campaign terlebih dahulu, dengan cara pilih menu “add new Campaign”. Coba perhatikan gambar dibawah ini: Pada form “Campaign Name” isi dengan nama campaign sesuka anda. Kemudian Pilih “Template” yang sudah di buat pada tutorial tahap #1 dan pada contoh gambar di atas saya memilih template 187- […]

STEP #1 Add New Template

Setelah proses intall, langkah awal mulai dari “Add New Template” kemudian dalam post editor terdapat Sourcecode yang bisa di custom sesuai kreasi. NAMUN: Jika menggunakan template bawaan/template yang kami sediakan akan lebih mudah. Keterangan untuk post editor new template berikut contoh template standard: 1. {Download | Unduh}  format ini biasa disebut […]